Tabassum Nazir Advocate and DG Narcotics Punjab Lutf Ullah Niazi video is leaked and viral. This video of Tabassum Nazir Advocate is real or fake we cant say anything. Usman Mirza Full Video is also leaked. This is the season that viral videos of influential people in Pakistan have been leaked. After Mufti Aziz and then Usman Mirza, today’s special is the full viral video of DG Narcotics Punjab Lutf Ullah Niazi and the government college Lala Musa Mohtarma Tabassum Nazir. Here is the full video.

It’s not about the private moments and it’s not about invading someone’s privacy. It’s about making sure that we do what it takes and what we don’t do what we don’t. Lutf ullah Niazi DG Punjab Anti Narcotics and Advocate Tabassum Nazeer are just one example of what is wrong with our society. We know these are powerful people with no shame or thing, but they are so influential and have so many connections that it is impossible to meet these people or bring them to justice because they are so well connected.

I thought that Pakistanis in general are tenaciously committed to virtue. I have always believed that we are an Islamic society and that we are very conservative. I also thought that we would take care of each other. I think the main problem arises and comes into play when we think about what virtuous means. “Be virtuous” is not feasible. It’s not about not getting any leaked videos I guess. It takes some thought to figure out what that would mean. Or can I get it all wrong.

I know that it is none of our business to stick our noses in what Mr. Lutf Niazi and Ms. Tabassum do behind closed doors in their free time. But what if a poor man does that? Have you seen the video of Usman Mirza and this couple? Could Usman Mirza do the same to Lutf Ullah Niazi? Would Niazi tolerate such behavior from Usman Mirza? It is the land of the mighty, where we have no say and the poor are only there to be trampled on.

By Admin

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